Calibration Round #51


The contest will start on May 3, 2024 at 9:00pm UTC+6:00 and will run for
1 hour  .


The contest will be rated for all the participants making at least one submission. The rating changes will be applied once the contest ends.


It is open for everyone to participate.

Contest Link: Calibration Round #51 | Gonitzoggo

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Which category is this calibration round for? And what topics are needed for the contest?

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vai ata con class ar

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all category. anyone can perticipate. but recommended for class 3-12

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Can someone show the figure for problem A?

If ABCD is a quadrilateral, BC & AD should be arms of that quadrilateral, then how do they intersect ar E?

Not necessarily they intersect inside ABCD.

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Oh understood thanks

Did any of you get ratings added?mine didn’t

But it’s a rated contest

Thanks for the reminder. Rating changes have been applied now.

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