প্যালিনড্রোম সংখ্যা (server problem)

I think there is some glitch in this problem. I’ve submitted all the possible answers. I think my solution is correct but this is showing incorrect everytime

I was also confused at first to solve this question.
In this community, I created a topic about it.

Here is it → A confusion in the problem


Doesn’t work though :frowning:

Here is .cpp code for you that will let you know all the combinations that can be possible and total such numbers :

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int p[10000];

int oneDigit(int num)


return (num >= 0 && num < 10);


bool isPalUtil(int num, int* dupNum)


if (oneDigit(num))

return (num == (*dupNum) % 10);

if (!isPalUtil(num / 10, dupNum))

return false;

*dupNum /= 10;

return (num % 10 == (*dupNum) % 10);


int isPal(int num)


if (num < 0)

num = -num;

int* dupNum = new int(num);

return isPalUtil(num, dupNum);


int main()


int size=0;

int count=0;

int k=0;

for(int i=1000;i<10000;i++)


if(isPal(i)) p[size++]=i;


for(int i=0;i<size;i++)


for(int j=0;j<size;j++)



if(isPal(p[i]-p[j])) { k=1; cout<<“Pi=”<<p[i]<<" Pj=“<<p[j]<<” deff="<<p[i]-p[j]<<endl; }


if(k==1) { count++ ; k=0; }



cout<<“Total such palindromes =”<<count;



Ans will be above 1970.