Who know it?!?!?! (Part 37)


How many people can use \color{red}{BANGLALINK} numbers ?

[That \color{red}{BANGLALINK} numbers which will be like this–> 019…]

[Suppose, One person can use 1 number]

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I think the answer is

I think the answer is 2606500

Maybe the answer is 16777216

Could you explain your results?

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I’m Tamzid Kabir.
I am explaining my answer –>

The smallest number is 01900000000
The largest number is 01999999999

–> The whole Banglalink numbers are=

(Largest number – Smallest number)+1
= 01999999999 – 01900000000 +1
= 100000000

What about case 01900000000?

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\fbox{You are right.}

Don’t I get 6000 points

Sure!!! You got 6000 points and-

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