Weekly Chess Puzzle 2

Hi good fellows.
Welcome to the 2nd puzzle of our weekly chess puzzle series.
Black to move. Find the best move for Black.

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Queen captures b3.(Q*b3), then checkmate is coming for white whatever he does.

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the black rook a6->d6? I don’t know much about notations so…

This move doesn’t lose the game, but there is a better move here.

Queen captures pawn at b3. Then another pawn at a2. Checkmate.

@NBH09 bro black doesn’t get two moves in a row XD

Qx(b3) is the best move for black…

Only if chess can be played that way :sweat:

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You are absolutely right !! :grinning: :grinning:

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I meant that pawn can’t capture queen because there’s rook at a6. So ultimately whatever the next move white takes, that’ll be checkmate by queen taking the pawn on right, on the next move. Hope it’s clear…

I know. I meant that pawn can’t capture queen because there’s rook at a6. So ultimately whatever the next move white takes, that’ll be checkmate by queen taking the pawn on right, on the next move. Hope it’s clear…

Not really actually. After Qb3, C pawn can’t take you because Rc1 will be mate. But C pawn can be pushed. c4 will protect the A pawn. So what is going to be your move then?

My bad. It would be rook taking the pawn at queen’s right in the next move (after white’s next move). Then that’s checkmate. Sorry for the typo… I wrote queen instead of rook…

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actually it is not. after c4, black queen protects the a2 pawn. So if rook takes, queen will take back.

1)…,Qxb3, 2)Nxc8,Qb2# / 2)cxb3,Rxc1#

Qxb3 is best move here

That’s a awesome puzzle.

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That’s a different puzzle.:+1::+1::+1:

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sacrifce the roooooooooook on b2. white king eats the rook. then stunning fork by capturing the white rook on c1. The queen’s ded. best move of all buddies! though for this we also have to sacrifice our own queen…